2021,a summary of Refugee’s Inclusion Moves Europe in France

Since 2020, the Covid has been disrupting sector like social inclusion; however, with Covid, the Rime project has grown throughout the year, and its influence in France has grown as well. 

World Refugee Day, June 21

World Refugee Day, organised by SOS Méditérranée France took place on Sunday 20th June in Cenon (France) at the Le Rocher de Palmer. Le Laba and Fondation COS, our french partners in the project, had a stand to present RIME, and during this day with wonderful meets, they have successfully presented our project as well as part of our intellectual output, educational tools, and comic strips.

Bordeaux training courses, November 21

During the week of November 22nd, Le LABA co-organized a training week with the COS Foundation on the theme of “The objectives of peer support in the economic integration of refugees in urban and rural areas.” Presentations, speeches, debates, and workshops filled the week, giving our partners from five countries more ideas for the future development of refugee inclusion. 

Publication : Methodology of the guide

The project Rime was born on the basis of the refugee’s guide; to increase its impact, we published Methodology of the guide, a guide that helps others create their own refugee’s guide in different languages. A document containing an overview of the situation of asylum seekers and refugees in France, Greece, Italy, Malta, and Sweden can also provide the public with additional information about the refugee’s situation.
Both of these documents are now available on the site :https://rime-refugees-inclusion.eu/ressources/refugees-guide/
