The experiment seems to us to have been a success on several points, as it allowed :
identify themselves.
the prospect of developing it as a method of support
« We can really see the difference with a peer helper or not, in the workshops we run: he is in a role where he « authorises », doesn’t bring the same thing at all (he asks questions, calms down, it’s much less top-down ».
« It completes the speech given by the professional because we have not experienced this journey, we give technical information; it has a function of encouragement, by telling them « you see I have been there« .
« One of the highlights was the exchange with the infa, the restaurant owners and peer carers; we had round tables where each group exchanged views with a speaker, which was very rich.
The assessment carried out following the 3 collective sessions bringing together all the actors lists the strong points of the meeting
« It allowed me to identify a refugee more quickly for employment.
« There were some very funny and tender moments, some connections. I’m very happy to have participated in that’.
« Refugees have already been through this, they explain more simply for us in relation to the advisors ».
« It’s not just the peer helper, what helped me was the meeting with everyone and all the
« It’s a good experience.
« For newcomers to France it is very good
« I learned a lot of things, drawing the right strategy to have in any field
« Everything was perfect, even if I changed my project
« If I hadn’t done that I would have stayed with that programme in my head; it showed that it was
It’s not as easy as I thought: you have to have experience etc. It’s very difficult.
« I had quite a few experiences, ( refugee food festival), it went very well, but 2 years was too long, I have two children.